This short video is a summary of the key points of this learning sequence. Teachers are encouraged to watch this video prior to the lesson to help prepare.
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Watch the following video explaining how the school looks at different places around the world. What differences did you see?
Children in pairs discuss what a noun is. (it is the name of an object). Name some objects in the classroom you are in. From the picture, children first locate and join the nouns to the picture in the well-resourced school. Draw a line from the noun to the object using a ruler and a bright colour. Is this the kind of school you would like to attend? Why?
Take a look at the following image. What do you notice? Is this the same kind of school we saw in England? Is this similar to your school? Use the words from the first task and list all the things that are missing from this classroom. You may also have more ideas of your own. Would you like to make all schools around the world equal? We can do it!
Now we know what schools around the world look like. It is time to announce how we are going to help. This term we are going to raise the money to build a library in another country, for a community that really needs it! How does that sound everyone? The picture to the right shows what the library will look like! Can you imagine how happy the children will feel when the library appears in their community?
Watch the video to find out what’s coming up next week?
Take a look at the picture of the different schools around the world. Read a little bit about each of them and create your own booklet about what school looks like in some different countries.
Countries you may want to research are: Mongolia, Egypt, Russia, China, North Korea, Japan