Purposeful Education for a Better Tomorrow

Inspirational Courses, Resources and Tools for Teachers, Parents and Learners, Everywhere.

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10 Week Courses

Courses that will empower students to change the world

Short Courses

Get a taste of Upschool with one of our short courses

Teacher Training

Upschool’s Teacher Training Program


Thousands of books written by children ready to inspire


Take on a real-world challenge & change the world

Success Stories

Be inspired by our change-making impact films

Change Making Communities

Our 'why' is to create a kinder and more compassionate world. This underpins what we teach.

Real-World Learning Opportunities

We take 'real-world' to the next level by designing projects with 'real' outcomes.

Entrepreneurship With Purpose

We want to teach the entrepreneurs of tomorrow to operate with purpose and ethics.

Inspiring Creativity & Problem Solving

We inspire creative thinking and dynamic problem solving. These are the skills for tomorrow.

Skill Based Learning

From graphic design & film making through to creative writing and storytelling (and everything in between)

Team Players & Collaborators

Our projects bring children, teachers and communities together to work towards a common goal.


Upschool has returned from filming in Antarctica

We’ve produced two great courses from Antarctica! ‘The Power of One’ and ‘The Solar System and Beyond’. Check out our courses page in the Learn tab above to learn more!

Some of our Collaborators ​

Upschool - 'Find Your Magic'

Our mission is to build a system of education where all children can participate in meaningful and impactful educational opportunities that have real purpose and learn things that are inspirational and magical to them along the way.

Upschool exists to help all children across the globe ‘find their magic’.

100% Free Education.

We believe every child on the planet should have access to a quality education, and wherever possible, education should be free. Our mission is to bring both of these realities to life.

Entrepreneurship With Purpose.

Within our platform are opportunities for students to learn real entrepreneurship skills that have real impact. We provide the support for students to take their product or idea to market so that they can generate real income for their school community and other causes they care about. We think that’s pretty unreal!

What the Educators Are Saying