A short course where students learn about the Earth’s moon and its relationship with Earth, the phases of the moon and the lunar cycle, the characteristics of dwarf planets and their place in the solar system.
This week, students will learn about the moon and its role in the universe. We explore the various ways the moon affects the Earth, including its impact on the tides, and the fascinating phenomenon of lunar eclipses.
As a follow-up activity, each student will choose a moon from our solar system to research and create a slideshow about. Their slide show will include information about the moon’s size, distance from its planet, composition, and any unique features or phenomena associated with it.
After completing it, students will present it to the rest of the class, sharing what they have learned about their chosen moon and its significance in our solar system.
The teaching program is designed to walk teachers through the process of teaching about Earth’s moon to your students. The document is aligned with the curriculum but can be downloaded and edited to suit the needs of your school or state. The course documents include real-world learning opportunities in which students use the knowledge they have just gained, to improve the lives and the knowledge of those around them.
Students will present their research undertaken in this course to the class. They’ll have a chance to give a short talk and teach others about the moon they’ve researched. Remember, teaching others is a great way to test and demonstrate your knowledge.