Blue Dragon Children’s Foundation is an Australian charity working in Vietnam to end human trafficking. 

For children in Vietnam who are born into poverty, there is little hope for the chance of a better life. More than 66% of the population lives in rural areas, where rice farming is the major industry and whole families earn as little as $1 – $2 a day. Children growing up in extreme poverty often have no choice but to quit school and move far from home, exposing them to dangers.

Blue Dragon believes that every child deserves exceptional care so they can grow and flourish. Our services are holistic, including rescue and crisis care for young people in immediate danger; shelter; legal advocacy; and long term support to return to school and training. While taking care of each child’s immediate needs we invest in community development and long-term change on a systemic scale. Everything we learn from our individual cases feeds into our work on law reform, policy development, and training programs. We are there for every child who needs us to see them through a crisis, and we work with them until they no longer need our assistance.


Location: Vietnam
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Poor sanitation facilities are a contributing factor to children, especially teenage girls, dropping out of school and becoming victims to...
Location: Vietnam
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Blue Dragon's research indicates that ethnic minority people are three times more likely to be trafficked than the Kinh ethnic...
Location: Vietnam
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Children, sometimes with a family member, sometimes without, come from rural areas to Hanoi in search of work or income....
Location: Vietnam
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Children, sometimes with a family member, sometimes without, come from rural areas to Hanoi in search of work or income....