Wild Weather! What Does it Mean?

Due to the effects of human-driven Climate Change, we have seen an increase in the frequency of extreme weather events across the world. These events happen more and more often as temperatures across the globe rise. In order to communicate what this means to your students, familiarise them with each of these types of weather events using the slideshow below. We encourage you to make connections with your students about major climate events that have happened near your school to better convey how this impacts our daily lives.

By fostering an understanding of each type of weather event, you can help your students develop a connection between their individual sustainable actions and the protection of our planet. By encouraging them to live with the health of our planet in mind, they will see how their personal efforts can make a real-world impact, such as helping to reduce the chances of other future extreme weather events by lowering global temperatures.

Get started on helping your students save the world and prevent future extreme climate events by using the lesson below!

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