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How the Pigeon Stopped the War: Information Report Activity

So you have learned the incredible story of how pigeons were used to help stop World War 2! Now, it’s time to review what you have learned.

Learning to identify where and when a story takes place is critical to successful comprehension. Knowing the setting provides the context needed to understand the story’s events. Once we know the story’s setting, we can then identify the story’s conflict and how it was resolved.

Download the worksheet below to help your students practice identifying the key details of a story. We encourage you to pair this activity with our lesson “How the Pigeon Stopped the War.”

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How the Pigeon Stopped the War: Lesson Plan

For being such a common bird, did you know that the pigeon actually has quite an amazing history?

Pigeons were instrumental at ending the second World War. We might think of them as just being an everyday bird, but they are actually quite interesting! Pigeons can find their way home from almost 2000 km away, which makes them helpful with sending messages discretely across long distances. During WWII, the English brought some of their pigeons to Belgium with notes and maps asking which areas were dangerous and should be avoided when flying. Thanks to the help of the pigeons, the war came to an end and many lives were saved!

Download the presentation below to start learning more about the pigeon’s incredible story! We encourage you to pair this lesson with our information report activity for extra practice.

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Writing an Article to Change the World: Lesson Plan

So you have an idea to change the world, what’s next? Spread the word!

One great way to reach others with your message is by putting your ideas into writing! An article is an excellent example of this. In order to write a compelling article, there are a few things we first need.

First, we need to create a catchy title to draw your audience’s attention! From there, we can work on having an effective introduction and body, where you will introduce and describe your wonderful ideas. Don’t forget to include statistics and facts about your topic throughout to really convince your reader that you know what you are talking about! Finally, having a conclusion that calls your readers to action is important to generate real change.

Download the presentation below to practice the step-by-step process of writing an article today. You and your peers will be changing the world in no time!

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Fact File: The Great Barrier Reef

Come take a trip to the largest reef system in the world: the Great Barrier Reef!

Did you know that the Great Barrier Reef is home to more than 9,000 different species, or that the reef can be seen all the way from outer space? Located along the northeastern coast of Australia, it is no wonder that the reef is considered one of the 7 Natural Wonders of the World!

The Great Barrier Reef currently faces many threats related to climate change: rising sea temperatures, pollution, overfishing, and more. If we reach just 2°C more of global warming, we are at risk of losing 99% of our reefs due to coral bleaching. It is urgent that we act now to protect our reefs from further harm.

Download the resource below to help your students learn more about the Great Barrier Reef today! By fostering an appreciation for this natural wonder, we can inspire each other to take action to protect the Great Barrier Reef for generations to come.

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Daily Activities Worksheet

From going to the cinema, to shopping, to having a picnic, there are many fun activities we can do each day of the week!

Taking part in different activities is an excellent way to spend time with your friends and family. It can also be a great way to find new friends and experiences. Maybe a new activity will become a part of your daily routine!

Download the resource below to help your students practice identifying common activities. Encourage them to share about any daily activities they enjoy taking part in.

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Quote Generator Activity

Creating a quote is a great way to spread your message to others in order to change the world!

In order to construct your own quote, start by deciding which SDG you would like to target, and what message you want to spread. Then, brainstorm by drawing out and listing keywords related to your message. By incorporating these ideas into your message, you can start to craft a powerful and compelling quote to share with others!

Follow the steps in the resource below to start creating your own quote! Refer to the example given if you need inspiration.

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Trees Lesson Plan

Trees are the lungs of the Earth! Let’s learn more about how they work.

Each part of a tree has an important function, not only to keep the tree alive, but in the benefits it provides to our planet. The fruit from trees can be used as food for animals and humans, but they also have the critical function of housing a tree’s seeds. Similarly, the leaves of a tree absorb sunlight to create energy, but in the process, the leaves also produce the oxygen that our planet needs for life to thrive. The anatomy of a tree is so interesting!

Download the presentation below to get started with teaching your students about the importance of trees today. We hope to encourage them to develop a deeper appreciation, and inspire them to act to protect trees for generations to come.

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The Ecosystem Lesson Plan

How do energy and nutrients move through an ecosystem? Through the food chain!

From the sun, to plants, to herbivores and carnivores, the movement of nutrients through an ecosystem is a multi-level cycle that connects all living things.

Use the lesson plan below to help your students familiarise themselves with how the food chain works! Encourage them to think about other plants and animals that belong to each step of the food chain.

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Getting the Word Out: Writing a Book to Change the World

So you have written a book, and are ready to use it to change the world. Now what? We have to spread the word about your story!

There are many great ways to encourage others to read your book. A few ideas might be to share it with your family and friends, reach out to your favourite authors for support, or to spread the word via social media, email, or phone calls. Don’t be afraid to ask others for help!

Consult the resource below for inspiration on how you can spread the word about your book. You will be changing the world in no time!

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The 7 Continents Worksheet Activity

With nearly 8 billion people spread across the Earth, no two continents are quite alike! Not only differing in people and culture, each continent is also home to many unique animals, landscapes, and climates. The world is truly an amazing place!

Use the activity below to help your students identify the unique landforms, wildlife, and cultures that are found on each continent.

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