How to save the planet from home!

Title: How to save the planet from home!
Age Group:
(3-6), (6-9), (9-12), (12-15), (15+)
Subject / Topic:
English, (reading, speaking and listening), Global Citizenship
Real World Application:
Related Upschool Courses:
Be the Change!
Description: Everyone can help limit climate change. From the way we travel to the electricity we use and the food we eat, we can make a difference. This resource gives families a tangible list of simple actions that they can work towards to make the world better for everyone!
Start with these nine actions to help tackle the climate crisis and help set an example to the children of tomorrow. 
Let’s demonstrate that the planet and nature are our greatest resources and we should work together to protect and preserve them as much as possible.

Real-World Application: Once the children understand and can comprehend the information on each of the pages. Their mission is to take the booklet home and convince their families to try and attempt each of the objectives. The children will enhance their use of essential skills whilst experiencing new initiatives and routines that may emerge within the community as the children drive this change.

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