United Nations Association of Australia, NSW Division

The United Nations Association of Australia New South Wales Division (UNAA NSW) is a non-profit, non-government, membership-based, community organisation working to promote the aims and ideals of the United Nations and seek support for the UN and its programs and agencies. They play a critical role in connecting Australians with the United Nations and educating the community on key international and local environmental, human rights, and social justice issues, to achieve the aims of the United Nations in creating a safer, fairer, and more sustainable world.

UNAA NSW is made up of a wide range of people all from diverse backgrounds and outlooks. The one view that they all share is that we have a chance to make our society and environment a better place to live in, a place that we can unreservedly pass along to our children, knowing that we have done our best and what is right.

In this Decade of Action to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the UNAA (NSW) School Program is focused on creating awareness of the SDGs with the aim of increasing Australia’s contribution to the goals.

Upschool is a proud supporter of the UNAA NSW School Program, and UNAA NSW is a proud supporter of Upschool. Both organisations seek to promote each other within their respective networks to ultimately improve community participation in, and achievement of, the SDGs.

UNAA NSW endorses Upschool’s the Be the Change course. To learn more about the Upschool / UNAA NSW collaboration, please watch the video below, or contact us at hello@upschool.co.

For Upschool's New South Wales (Australia) Schools & Students Only:

UN Day Program

UNAA NSW launched its annual celebration of the UN Day in schools in 2021 as “United Nations Day: Peace, People, Planet.”

They are now calling upon NSW schools to celebrate the day by observing a ‘Blue Mufti Day’ among other activities that highlight the work of the UN and
build on the UN SDGs.

This year they again call upon all NSW schools (public, private, faith based) to observe the day on Monday, 24 October 2022 by confirming their allegiance to the UN values and achieve the UN SDGs by integrating the SDGs into your curriculum. You are welcome to make it your own and integrate elements that align with your goals.


• Inform students on the critical work of the United Nations and the Global Goals
• Engage students through activities/events across different grade levels which encourage them to take action for the SDGs
• Strengthen your school’s commitment to nurturing global citizens and leaders of tomorrow
• To encourage and support schools to work in partnership with the community to achieve Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development


• Blue Mufti Day: Wearing blue to raise awareness and fundraise for UNAA NSW
• Participate in a UNESCO international day and run collaborative campaigns
•  SDG Goals’ art competition
• Hold a United Nations Day section in an assembly
• Integrate some of our UN resources into the classroom
• And much more…


• Support from UNAA NSW on organising the day and access to teaching resources
• Becoming a UNAA NSW School Partner with invitations to exclusive partner events
• One year free organisational membership to UNAA NSW
• The chance to be showcased on the UNAA NSW website, social media channels, and Annual Report
• A Certificate of Participation for the School and UNAA School Coordinator
• Copies of the UN Charter, Universal Declaration of Human Rights and SDG Bookmarks

Contact UNAA NSW at unday@unaa.org.au for any queries or additional information.


Do you want to learn about and up-skill in:

  • The United Nations and its history, structure, and operations
  • The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
  • UN Agencies and UN Peacekeeping
  • The UN Charter and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
  • Global citizenship, managing conflict, and emotional intelligence
  • Planning a project
  • Public speaking and making a presentation?

The online, live UNAA NSW UN Diploma equips you with transferable skills to be incorporated into your personal career pathway. Upon completing the course, students can become UNAA NSW Liaison Officers. UNAA (NSW) offers the diploma in collaboration with Williams Business College. The course consists of weekly lectures on a Friday night. The next course will be in early 2022, date to be announced.

Enrol in the UNAA NSW UN Diploma course so UNAA NSW can equip you with the resources and knowledge needed to become a global citizen and make a positive impact in the community.