Support the Ocean Youth Waves of Change Program
The ocean is our life support system. It provides over 50% of the air we breathe, regulates our liveable climate, and supports billions of peoples’ livelihoods.
But our blue planet is in trouble. Over-extraction of resources such as seafood and oil, pollution, and the greatest threat of all, climate change, are driving the health of our life support system into dangerous territory. Our ocean needs our urgent action.
We know that young people are an untapped powerhouse of positive conservation action, advocacy and innovation….the changemakers of our present and future.
Recognising this power, passion and potential of youth to make change in our world, Ocean Youth was founded in 2015, and is a leading ocean action and innovation registered environmental organisation.
We are ‘youth informed and youth focused’. Ocean Youth’s mission is to build the capacity of youth to influence positive action for our ocean through accessing a range of opportunities to enhance their problem solving, advocacy and innovative thinking skills. Science-based, we work collaboratively with our global peers to provide practical, educational & inspiring programs that make a difference.

We are addressing SDG 14 in response to deteriorating health of our ocean which is our life support system. Specifically we are bringing awareness and taking positive action on loss of biodiversity through overfishing and pollution, and the greatest threat to our ocean, climate change.
Our focus is to build the capacity of the next generation to take positive action for ocean health. Through a range of initiatives, events, storytelling and educational content, Ocean Youth Ambassadors understand that they can make a difference for our planet, and influence their communities to make a difference also.

All funds raised go back into our initiatives to support youth on their changemaking journey and Waves of Change, along with our other programs and initiatives, are ongoing.