Purchase a Mobile Library for Children in Guraru, India
The girls come from homes where the adults are illiterate and there are no books or other opportunities for practising their reading skills both at the centres and at home.

How WEIV’s project addresses this problem:
The Mobile Library will provide teachers with enough readers and resource books to be able to allow students to spend some time reading and browsing books at the centres and also allow students to borrow a book to read at home.
Girls will become familiar with the concept of borrowing and returning books and taking care of the books. They will expand their reading capacity and will experience the joy of reading for pleasure and for information. This project will improve their reading skills and help to teach them the power of the written word.
Resources including books, magazines, material to cover them and the suitcases required to transport them will all be purchased within one month of receiving the funds. The books will then be covered and distributed to the Literacy Centres during the following month.

As our programme is spread over a large geographical area with Literacy Centres in 8 different villages, we believe the project would work best as a Mobile Library. Once a month, when the teachers come to our office in Guraru for the staff meeting, they will be able to pick up a suitcase on wheels which will have readers and other books in it for the girls in the Literacy Centres. In total, we are looking at purchasing 160 readers as we have eight literacy centres with 20 students in each centre.
We will also purchase other easy reference and story books depending on what is appropriate. Most of the books will be in Hindi but some of them will be in English. We will also purchase sufficient contact (plastic adhesive book covering material) to cover all the books. Teachers will take one day off from teaching and meet at the office to cover all the books, catalogue them and work out a borrowing system for the girls.