Protect Animals and Support Their Welfare Through Edgar’s Mission
But how could this be? Pigs are just as smart, in fact thought smarter, than dogs. They have the most engaging personalities, enjoy good food and the sun, seek out companionship, love their babies and desperately try to protect their own lives.
Back in 2003, an idea was borne out of kindness. Knowing how wonderful and deserving of life pigs really are, and seeing the reality of their situation, the time was ripe to get people connecting with pigs and learn of their plight. With Hollywood actor, James Cromwell of the hit ‘Babe’ movie in Australia at the time, a golden opportunity for pigs was presented. With James readily accepting the invitation to champion the cause of pigs, a pig was needed for a photo shoot. But where to find a pig?
With Pam procuring a Land race/Large White cross piglet from a commercial piggery, a chain reaction was set off that would change the course of history for Pam and Edgar Alan Pig, and save the lives of countless farmed animals. Building Edgar’s Mission from the ground up, the rescued residents became ambassadors for their kind – showing the world that each is an individual, complete with their rich emotional world and just like us, they seek to live a peaceful and happy life surrounded by their family and friends.
Today farmed animal sanctuaries around the world are shining a spotlight of compassion on these once forgotten animals, and in doing so opening hearts and minds to kinder ways of living.

Why do farmed animals need rescuing?
An estimated 500 million ‘food’ or ‘production’ animals in Australia are excluded from the protections of animal welfare legislation.
They endure very difficult lives in factory farms: barely able to move, subjected to acts of cruelty that would be against the law if done to a cat or dog. They live without sunshine, without freedom, without being able to socialise and without hope for a better future.
As custodians of this planet, humans have designated some animals ‘friends’ and some animals ‘food’. Yet all animals share a need and desire to experience life, and for it to have joy, meaning and purpose. They also share a similar capacity to suffer.
Edgar’s Mission provides you with a glimpse into a different world – a world of kindness.

More Information

Thank you for considering a donation towards Edgar’s Mission – our life saving work would not be possible without your help.
Your much needed donation will be used to provide the 400+ animals who call Edgar’s Mission home with sanctuary and veterinary care, and keep our emergency rescue team primed for the next lot of animals in dire need.
It also means we can continue with our educational outreach and advocacy programs. Together, we’re making the world a kinder place for farmed animals.
Visit Website: Edgar’s Mission