Promote Your Book to Change the World: A Guide for Young Authors

You have written a book and uploaded it to the Upschool Library. This guide provides effective marketing strategies to boost your book sales and support your chosen charity. Each sale transforms your creativity into change. Let’s start making a difference—one book at a time!

Who is Offering This Project: Upschool
Location Organisation Operates: Global
Project Genre: Sales / Marketing / Entrepreneurship
Canva Book Sales Poster Template – Download here
SDGs This Project Will be Working On: 

Welcome to the Challenge!

You’ve done something amazing by publishing your book on the Upschool Library—now let’s get it into as many hands as possible and help support your chosen charity. This guide is packed with fun and effective ways to market and sell your book. Each sale not only spreads your story but also donates to your chosen charity, turning your creativity into a powerful force for change. Start now—let’s change the world together, one book at a time!

Design and Share a Poster

Use the Canva poster template that we have provided (link below) or go an make a brand new poster! Use bright colors and big text to catch people’s eyes. Try putting the front cover of the book on your poster. Making posters is easy and fun – and they stand out!

To promote your poster you will need your unique Book URL and Code. We emailed it to you when you uploaded your book. Please check your inbox.

Build a Website or Blog

Building a website or blog is a fantastic way to promote your book and share your author journey. With a simple, parent-supervised platform like Wix, Blogger or Canva Websites, you can create a personalized space to post updates, behind-the-scenes insights, and excerpts from your book. Engage visitors with interactive content like polls, quizzes, and comment sections. Regularly updating your blog or website keeps your audience engaged, helps attract new readers, and serves as a central hub for all your promotional activities.

Create Your Own Book Trailer

Make a short video, like a movie trailer, but for your book! You can create a video in Canva (using their video editing tool) or any other video editing software that you know or like. Show some drawings from your book, or dress up like your characters and act out a few scenes (for some added fun!). Check out the example here.

Email Your Friends and Family

Use email to spread the word about your book with the support of your parents. Craft a friendly email to family and friends, sharing your journey as a young author and the inspiration behind your story. Attach a vibrant poster or flyer of your book to catch their eye and encourage them to purchase a copy. This personalized approach is a powerful way to connect with potential readers and drive sales.

Read Aloud Sessions

Organize a read-aloud session to promote your book—either online for family and friends, or at your local library for young visitors. These sessions are a fantastic way to captivate your audience, showcase your storytelling skills, and boost book sales. With parental support, you can also share the magic on social media! Check out the example here.

Hold a School Book Launch Event

Organize a book launch event at your school to celebrate and promote all the student authors! Work with your teachers and fellow young writers to set up a special day where everyone can showcase their books. Invite all students, teachers, and parents to attend. This event can include readings, Q&A sessions, and even signing sessions. It’s a great way to get the whole school excited about the books, support each other’s creative efforts, and encourage the community to buy and read your stories.

Engage Your Local Community

Engage your local community to boost awareness and sales of your book. With the help of your parents, approach local businesses to see if they’d be willing to display your book’s flyer or poster in their shops. These public appearances not only promote your book but also connect you with the community, fostering support for your writing endeavors and chosen charity.

Gather and Share Reviews

Ask everyone who reads your book to share their thoughts! Reviews are super important because they help other readers learn what your book is about and why they might love it too. You can collect these reviews and display them on your blog, website, or even in a school newsletter. If you’re part of any clubs or groups, share these reviews there to get even more people excited about your book!