Sustainable Development Goals Flashcards

Title: SDG Flashcards
Age Group:  
(6-9), (9-12), (12-15)
Subject / Topic: English (writing, reading), Global Citizenship
Real World Application:
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Create a set of flashcards which can be used as a matching game. Use this template to create two cards for each SDG. One card will include the symbol and the other will include the definition of the goal.

Once complete, these can be cut out, mixed up, and used to show and teach younger children about the meanings behind the SDGs. These can even be sent to schools overseas that do not have resources or teaching materials to pass the message about sustainability on to children around the world.

Remember to make them colourful and laminate them if possible so they will last for a lifetime!

Real-World Application: Once the children have completed their task cards, these can be used to teach younger children about the SDGs in a really fun and entertaining way. They can also be sealed in an envelope and sent to another school that has limited resources. (The children may need to design an instruction card on how these can be used by others).

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